DONG Energy and SMart Wind Consider Using of HVAC and HVDC Technology

DONG Energy and SMart Wind Consider Using of HVAC and HVDC Technology

DONG Energy requires full technical and economic flexibility to deliver against government targets for offshore wind cost reduction. Therefore, SMart Wind and DONG Energy are now including the option to connect Project One to the National Grid using either High Voltage Alternating Current (HVAC) or High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) technology.

Since HVAC technology has not been considered to date in the scoping or consultation processes for Project One, SMart Wind are proposing the following steps:

  •  Issue amendment to the Project One scoping report setting out the differences in HVDC and HVAC offshore & onshore infrastructure requirements.
  • Additional analysis or amendments to existing environmental studies that will be required as part of the EIA process will be detailed in this amendment.
  • Issue revised Statement of Community Consultation (SoCC) to capture an additional ‘Phase 3 Consultation’ in June2012 to give stakeholders the opportunity to comment on the inclusion of HVAC technology as a grid connection option. A final ‘Phase 4 Consultation’ will be held in November 2012 to present the final proposals and draft application documentation for Project One.
  • In order to accommodate these amendments, the revised target submission date for Project One will now be Q1 2013.

In advance of issuing the above information, Smart Wind reassures the onshore cable route will remain as a buried cable and no overhead lines are being considered for the entire 40km length of the onshore cable route from the landfall at Horseshoe Point to the onshore converter station at Killingholme.


Offshore Nieuws  Staff, March 20, 2012; Image:  britned