Sif Group. Foto, Navingo.

VIDEO: Skybox from Sif Group

Career development

Sif Group, producer of large tubular constructions present their latest innovation: Skybox, all functionalities of the transition piece on the monopile in one lift. Michel Kurstjens, CCO Sif Group: “We always try to be ahead of the pack and be a part of what is needed in offshore wind in order to have a sustainable business without subsidies.” This video was presented during the online session ‘Careers in Offshore Wind’ on 10 December of Navingo Career. If you want to know everything about working in offshore wind and what kind of jobs you can find there, re-watch the entire session below this video.

Sif Group. Foto, Navingo.
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Watch the entire online session: ‘Careers in Offshore Wind’ presented by Navingo Career

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