RWE Publishes Public Consultation Summary for Atlantic Array

RWE Publishes Public Consultation Summary for Atlantic Array

RWE npower renewables has published a public consultation summary for the Atlantic Array Offshore Wind Farm.

As part of formal consultation activity, the project team visited communities located around the Atlantic Array proposed site during September 2011 to present information, listen to and record people’s views, and discuss any possible concerns at this stage of the development. Thirteen consultation events were held across North Devon and South Wales

The formal consultation events were attended by nearly 2000 people. RWE received around 720 feedback forms, letters and emails.

Among offshore issues raised, the Visual impact from land (31%) and Potential impact on birds (18%) were the main concern. Other raised issues were potential impact on marine mammals, potential impact on local tourism, concern for Lundy Marine Conservation Zone, potential impact on shipping safety, potential for fish/shellfish disturbance and surfing.

For the onshore issues, potential impacts to onshore ecology/environment (45%) and potential for noise impacts (20%) where at the top of the list followed by potential disruption from construction traffic, potential effects on existing infrastructure, impacts of construction workers and onshore cable safety.

The next stage of consultation activity will coincide with publication of the results of the EIA in the form of a draft Environmental Statement (ES).

Offshore Nieuws  Staff, January 27, 2012; Image: rwe