Van Oord Wins Balance of Plant Contract for Teesside Offshore Wind Farm

Van Oord Wins Balance of Plant Contract for Teesside Offshore Wind Farm (UK)

EDF Energy Renewables awarded the Balance of Plant contract for the Teesside offshore wind farm to Van Oord. The execution offshore for the Van Oord activities will start mid January 2012 and are scheduled for completion in November 2012.

The wind farm is located at its closest point 1.5 km off the shore of Redcar in the North East of England. The Van Oord Balance of Plant activities involve the fabrication and installation of the 27 foundations, the design, supply and installation of approximately 18 km sub-sea cabling and provision of scour protection. Siemens will supply the 27 wind turbines. The installation of the turbines will be done together with Van Oord. Once up and running the wind farm will have the capacity to produce 62 megawatt of electricity to power up to 40,000 households.

Van Oord has ten year’s experience in the offshore wind construction, including five years as a Balance of Plant Contractor. The construction of the Teesside offshore wind farm will be completed just ahead of the launching of Van Oord’s new installation vessel Aeolus. In recent years Van Oord was involved in Balance of Plant contracts for the Dutch wind park Princess Amalia and the Belgium offshore wind park Belwind phase 1.

Last month the company has been awarded the design and installation of infield cables for the DanTysk offshore wind farm in Germany. Furthermore Van Oord will start mid September with the installation of two 100 m high meteorological masts in the North Sea under an earlier awarded EPC contract.


Source: vanoord, August 31, 2011