Tom Verbist (Screenshot/Video by Navingo)

The young set their eyes on renewables

Career development

The new generation of offshore energy professionals share their views on the maritime industry and how they see themselves in the changing environment of the sector.

Tom Verbist (Screenshot/Video by Navingo)
Tom Verbist (Screenshot/Video by Navingo)
Tom Verbist (Screenshot/Video by Navingo)

Our OEEC and Navingo Career Event host Eva Brouwer discussed the perspectives of young professionals looking to join the offshore energy workforce and industry in these changing times of energy transition with Tom Verbist, Offshore Engineering Student and Young Maritime Representative at Dutch networking organisation for maritime industry Nederland Maritiem Land (NML).

“When I say I study offshore engineering (the reaction is) – Ah, oil and gas – but no, that’s not it anymore. It’s way more than that actually.

“I want to show to the students and the school-going-kids what is available there and what kind of innovations are there.

“Basically I want to participate in producing and placing offshore renewable energy power plants”, said Verbist.

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