Periplus to Work on London Array Offshore Wind Farm

London Array is arguably the most widely known UK offshore wind farm. Its sheer scale and proximity to Greater London mean it’s often referred to by politicians and in the press. At 1,000MW, the project is currently the largest consented wind farm in the world.

Power generated by the wind farm will be transported to the shore through four cables. Dutch based firm Visser & Smit Hanab, specialized in above and underground pipeline and cable infrastructure, is responsible for the commissioning of these cables.

One of the cables lands ashore at the Cleve Hill substation, near Graveney (SE England). For the burial of this cable in the near shore area, a trench was dredged by Acta Marine, another Dutch maritime specialist. The cable was buried in this trench. Periplus staff coordinated and monitored the burial works o/b Acta Marine’s vessel Coastal Explorer.

Periplus has built up a track record with cable and pipe line (re)burial projects. Specialist services and expertise were delivered before on similar projects in the Wadden Sea and Eems harbour in the Netherlands and on the BritNed Interconnector project between UK and The Netherlands.


Offshore Nieuws Staff , December 9, 2011