DeTect Completes Installation of MERLIN Avian Radar System

DeTect Completes Installation of MERLIN Avian Radar System

DeTect has completed the installation of the MERLIN Avian Radar System at the wind farm substation on Thornton Bank, reports Windtech International.

Last year in January, the Management Unit of the North Sea Mathematical Models (MUMM) acquired the radar system to track the bird movement along the coast at Zeebrugge.

After the completed monitoring at the shore, the MERLIN Avian Radar System was transferred to the C-Power substation at the Thornton Bank wind farm.

The Thorntonbank Wind Farm is an offshore wind farm, 28 km (17 mi) off the Belgian coast, in water ranging from 12 to 27 metres (39 to 89 ft) deep. Electricity production started in early 2009, with a capacity of 30 MW. The capacity is expected to be increased gradually to 300 MW in 2015.


Offshore Nieuws Staff, May 16, 2012; Image: c-power