NCE Subsea Gives Overview of Technology Challenges

NCE Subsea Gives Overview of Technology Challenges

Subsea development faces major new challenges. Deeper water, long tiebacks and difficult production conditions require new solutions and new technologies.

A new report from NCE Subsea gives an overview of technology challenges specific to the subsea industry.

Operating companies pay well for the best ideas. Who can develop a self-sufficient subsea system with one pipeline to shore? Or more specifically, develop a multiphase meter that can also detect precipitation of hydrate, wax and scale?

Authoroties and operators have explored how best to maintain and further develop the petroleum industry. Many analyzes have been carried out, and both overall strategy documents and more detailed gap analysis have been prepared.

The analyses are often spread over many publications and reports, and cover everything from exploration and drilling to production and environmental protection. To extract the most important for the subsea industry, NCE Subsea has prepared a summary and compilation of specific technology challenges described in various publications.

The report “Subsea Technology Challenges – an overview of challenges for the subsea industry 2012 – 2020″ was presented at the annual General meeting of NCE Subsea, and is now available for download.

The report will be of benefit to companies in the development of products and services. NCE Subsea will also use the report as a basis for initiatives for the cluster, such as; workshops, breakfast meetings, invitations to joint projects and pre-projects for the establishment of R&D projects.

Offshore Nieuws Staff, May 11, 2012; Image : NCE Subsea