PSA Conducts Audit of Accident Risk in Dolphin Drilling AS

PSA Conducts Audit of Accident Risk in Dolphin Drilling AS

During the period from 5-28 October 2011, the Petroleum Safety Authority Norway (PSA) conducted an audit of major accident risk and barrier management in Dolphin Drilling AS.


The objective of the activity was to evaluate the company’s understanding, knowledge and expertise related to major accident risk and barrier system mindset, on the part of both management and the employees. Another objective was to evaluate strategies and performance standards that are to form the basis for the design, use and maintenance of barriers so that the barriers’ function is safeguarded throughout the lifetime of the facility.


It was observed that the company does not fulfil all the requirements for barrier management, but that an internal project had been initiated to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements.

Nonconformities were identified in relation to:

Follow-up of barriers and performance requirements

Fire risk in the engine room

Maintenance routines for equipment

Battery emergency lights

Gas detection

Stretcher transport of persons in the stairwell in the living quarters

Signposting and marking of escape routes

Improvement items were identified in relation to:

Fire-fighting using fixed CO2 extinguishing systems


Notification of the joint rescue coordination centre


Offshore Nieuws Staff, December 15, 2011; Image: dolphin drilling