Reym Wins Award ‘Sharing Stone’

Reym has won a ‘sharing stone’ award for its contribution in the CASOS. CASOS stands for: Contractor Alliance for Safety on Shell operations Reym received the ‘sharing stone’ award for bringing attention to the aspects of explosion safety in the Deltalinq work permit.

Reym aims to work at businesses like Shell and NAM in working areas that are as safe as possible. These safe working areas are based on the principle of a work permit. To date there is no separate category in the work permit to indicate to the client that he has to pay attention to the fact whether the working area is explosion-safe or not.

Reym will be given the award on 1 January 2012 because the Deltalinq work permit will then be extended with a small block ‘ATEX zones’.


Source: Reym, September 21, 2011