DONG Energy Conducts Multibeam Survey at Anholt Offshore Wind Farm

DONG Energy Conducts Multibeam Survey at Anhokt Offshore Wind Farm

It is said that the sea erases all tracks; however, there is equipment which can see through the water, and one of the tools, which can give you an impression of the conditions at the seabed, is a so-called multibeam. The multibeam is a device, which can give you an exact picture of the surface of the seabed by beans of a sonar.

DONG Energy used this advanced form of seabed scanning to register the conditions at the seabed of Anholt Offshore Wind Farm at places where work has been performed. The complete seabed scanning is subsequently forwarded to the authorities of national waters for updating of their data.

Scanning of the position, where one to the two mines was blast away, shows that the blasting has caused a hole with a diameter of approximately 7 metres and a depth of approximately 2.5 metres. The scanning also shows that the material from the blasting has settled west of the blasting position (the red material in the photo).

Offshore Nieuws  Staff, March 06, 2012