Havila Shipping Secures Four Charter Contracts

Havila Shipping Secures Four Charter Contracts

Havila Shipping has entered into an agreement with FugroTSM in Australia for a two year extension of the contract for the subsea vessel Havila Harmony.

The extension will keep the vessel on contract until March 2014, with two optional periods of one year until March 2016.

A contract is entered into with E.ON for the PSV vessel Havila Fortune for a period of two wells and one well option. The charter commences in March 2012.

Statoil has declared the first of two half-yearly options for the PSV vessel Havila Clipper which will keep the vessel on contract until September 2012 with an additional optional period until March 2013.

BP Norge has declared the second two month option for the PSV vessel Havila Crusader. The contract has further options of 8 months.

The value of the contracts is NOK 250 million (USD 42.7).

Offshore Nieuws Staff , January 27, 2012;  Image: Havila Shipping