Positive Feedback on Vestas’ Wind Turbine Factory Plans

In May, 2011, Vestas has signed an agreement with Peel Ports for 70 hectares of land at the Port of Sheerness in Kent. That would be great opportunity to create more than 2000 direct and indirect new jobs.

Creation of jobs is one of the priorities, and residents of that area have had the chance to comment on that topic. Response was successfull, and more than 400 people have participated so far, and almost all of them gave positive feedback. There is great chance for prospect of a major new employer in the region,and boost to the economy, as well.

But, there are also certain concerns about possible negative impacts on existing jobs and businesses, so they should be taken as priority.

Community will have final chance to give their opinion, before final decision and submitting of plans.

Three exhibitions will be organized to showcase the feedback. First one will take place on Friday,November 25 at Sheernes Gateway Centre from 9.30am until 12.30pm.

Offshore Nieuws Staff , November 23, 2011