SR250 Reaches Milestone in Full-Power Test

SR250 Reaches Milestone in Full-Power Test

A further testing milestone was achieved when the SR250 was put through its paces in a first full-power tow test. On 7th December the multicat MV Orcadia towed the SR250, north of Kirkwall harbour, achieving full-power of 250kW for the first time.

Scotrenewables CTO Mark Hamilton stated “Tow trials allow us to simulate real tidal conditions in a controlled way to test all on board systems. Reaching fully rated power is a significant milestone for us and is testament to the hard work of all the team. The full-power test went extremely well and successfully demonstrated our floating turbine’s ability to produce power stably and efficiently.

This full-power tow test marks the end of successful tow trial testing of the SR250. Early in the New Year the SR250 will be lifted onto Hatston Pier for a scheduled inspection period and fitting of some additional onboard instrumentation. While the model is out of the water at Hatston, Scotrenewables will be holding an Open Day (date to be confirmed) for members of the public and schools to come and visit the site to find out more about the technology and view the turbine up close. Anyone interested should get in touch with Scotrenewables Stromness Office. Following the inspection period the SR250 will be lifted back into the water in advance of more prolonged testing at EMEC through 2012.


Offshore Nieuws Staff , December 21, 2011;