Korea invites you to Korea-Europe Marine Equipment Business Meeting

19th of March from 13:00 to 17:00, Cruise hotel SS Rotterdam in Netherlands.
Korean marine equipment delegation visits the Netherlands for Korea-Europe Marine Equipment Business Meeting on 19th of March, held at Cruise hotel SS Rotterdam. The meeting is organized by Busan Economic Promotion Agency (BEPA), Busan Marine Equipment Association (BMEA), and Leading Industry Development for Economic Region for this event.

Organized by BEPA, BMEA, and LEAD ER
Since Busan is the world leading port city as Rotterdam, Busan Marine Equipment Association is a major institution in marine industry in Korea. The Korean government supports other two organizers, BEPA and LEAD ER to activate Korea’s shipbuilding and offshore industry. Fair Partner, the leading PCO in Korea, will perform this meeting from the beginning to the end.

The Korean Marine Equipment Delegation
Korean marine equipment delegation consists the following 10 companies from Busan: Oscona, Samjoo ENG, Haedong Metal, Modern Intech, Shinshin Machinery, Panasia, Kukdong Elecom, Staco, TMS, and Youwon.

If you want to participate in the Korea-Europe Marine Equipment Business Meeting, please send email to [email protected] or call +82-2-573-8953.

More… Fairpartner

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