DOF Subsea Secures Contract with ConocoPhillips

DOF Subsea Secures Contract with ConocoPhillips

Norwegian-based specialist subsea service company DOF Subsea Norway has secured a contract with ConocoPhillips under the current frame agreement for Diverless Marine and Subsea Services. The contract is for debris removal utilising DOF Subsea’s construction support vessel the Skandi Skolten.

The work will be carried out at the former sites of the Albuskjell 2/4 F, Ekofisk 2/4 D and Edda 2/7C platforms in the Norwegian sector of the North Sea. The project will commence in the middle of July 2012 and will last for approximately 66 days and has a contract value of 60 million NOK (approximately USD 10.5 million). The agreement includes an option for performing similar works at the COD 7/11 A and Albuskjell 1/6 A platform sites in 2013.

 Garry Millard, Business Acquisition Director, DOF Subsea Atlantic says “We’re delighted to have been awarded this contract by ConocoPhillips. The award of this contract is a significant win for DOF Subsea Norway. We are particularly pleased at securing work for the Skandi Skolten, which is proving to be a major asset in supporting DOF Subsea’s growth in the Subsea market.

DOF Subsea provides Project Management, Engineering, Subsea Construction, IRM, Survey and ROV services. The company employs over 1,200 highly qualified staff and owns state of the art equipment including offshore construction, diving and ROV support vessels, ROVs, 1 AUV and diving spreads.

Offshore Nieuws Staff, April 30, 2012; Image: DOF Subsea