Holland Shipyards Delivered Accomodation Modules to Keppel Verolme

Holland Shipyards Delivered Accomodation Modules to Keppel Verolme

Saturday the 9th of June, Holland Shipyards successfully delivered a 32 persons accommodation module to Keppel Verolme. The accommodation module was built under high QA/QC demands and a stringent deadline, which were both met by the yard.

This accommodation will be placed on the Transformer Substation in the German Exclusive Economic Zone in the North Sea at the offshore wind park “Global Tech 1”. This substation also acts as a base for service crews and includes electro-technical and related secondary equipment as well as a helideck and the accommodation for 32 persons.

The accommodation is equipped with changing rooms, a galley, offices, lounges, a hospital, fitness room and an elevator.

Offshore Nieuws Staff, June 26, 2012; Image : Holland Shipyards