Lundin Petroleum Starts Operation at PL265

Lundin Petroleum Starts Operation at PL265

Lundin Petroleum has announced that the appraisal well 16/2-17S has commenced in the Statoil-operated PL265 on the Johan Sverdrup discovery, located in the North Sea sector of the Norwegian Continental Shelf (NCS).

The well is located in PL265 and close to the western bounding fault of the Johan Sverdrup discovery. The main objective of the well is to investigate the Jurassic reservoir thickness, quality and distribution close to the fault approximately 1.5 km south-west of appraisal well 16/2-8 and 2.3 km west of appraisal well 16/2-11.

The planned total depth is approximately 2,060 metres below mean sea level and the well will be drilled by using the semi-submersible drilling rig Ocean Vanguard. The drilling operation is expected to take approximately 55 days.

Statoil Petroleum is the operator of PL265 with 40 percent interest. Partners are Petoro (30%), Det norske oljeselskap (20%), and Lundin Norway (10%).

Press Release, March 26, 2013