SRTP Completes Deployment of SR250

SRTP Completes Deployment of SR250

Continuing on from the successful grid connection last month, Scotrenewables Tidal Power Ltd. has forged ahead with their testing plan and have just completed a 4 day deployment of the SR250.

Using the locally owned multi-cat ‘MV Orcadia’, the device was towed to site on Thursday morning and connected to their mooring at The Fall Of Warness. The device underwent a series of tests and remained on site until late on Sunday evening before being towed back to Hatston.

The SR250 encompasses all the design features of future commercial devices. The vast majority of equipment including control system, hydraulic power packs, drives, transformers and switchgear are located within the main hull tube which allows for easy access at harbourside and onsite. A unique single point catenary mooring system allows the device to self-orientate in the tidal flow and is a key element in the overall system.

Its low draft in the transport mode eliminates the need for large-scale facilities to maintain the device and makes way for maintenance to be carried out at shore bases with limited draft.

Offshore Nieuws Staff, May 25, 2012; Image : SRTP