Statoil Receives Consent to Use Troll Pipeline

Statoil has received consent to use the gas pipeline, Troll P12 Pipeline.  The Troll field is located about 63 kilometres west of Kollsnes, and consists of production licences 054 and 085. The P12 gas pipeline was installed in April 2011 by Solitaire, the world’s largest pipe-laying vessel.

The pipeline has a diameter of 36 inches, and runs from the Troll A facility  to the gas processing facility on Kollsnes, and the onshore P12 terminal.

The seabed is relatively even from Troll A to Norskerenna, while the area near Kollsnes consists of an uneven seabed with water depth differences ranging from 350 to 150 metres.

A considerable amount of seabed intervention, such as trenching and rock installation was carried out to facilitate installation of the pipeline.

It should be able to maintain the export capacity of 30 GSm3/year and 120 MSm3/d.

The P12 pipeline has a planned production start on 1 October 2011. All material, equipment and structures have been designed and built for a lifetime of 50 years.

Source:Ptil ,September 23, 2011; Image: Allseas