Walney Offshore Windfarms Cable Project in Progress

The Walney Offshore Windfarms Cable Project in Progress

Despite the weather, it has been possible to energise the next cable string with eight turbines.

Energizing the cable string is a vital part of the commissioning of the turbines, and the eight turbines connected to the string are expected to have first power in near future – depending on the weather.

 All array cables have been jetted

Swiber Else-Marie has jetted all array cables in Walney 2 down into the seabed and has demobilised for other jobs.

Rolling Stone is expected any day

At the end of January or beginning of February, the vessel Rolling Stone will start placing the armour stones as scour protection around the turbine positions in Walney 2.

The Walney Offshore Windfarms project is located approximately 15km west of Barrow-in-Furness in Cumbria. The project consists of Walney 1 and Walney 2 each with 51 – 3.6MW turbines, giving a total capacity of the Walney project of 367.2MW. The rotor diameter of the turbines is 107m for Walney 1 and 120m for Walney 2, with a maximum height of 150m from blade tip to sea level. The total area of the development is some 73km2.

Offshore Nieuws Staff ,  January 26, 2012; Image: dongenergy